How to Optimize Website Important Tips

How to Optimize Website Important Tips
Hello friends, today in this post, i am telling how to optimize your Wordpress website, for this I am sharing some important tips, using which you will also be able to speed up your website.

After creating blog and website optimizing is very important part, only by optimizing website, we are able to speed up our website.

Friends, today in this post, I am sharing some important tips for how to increase speed of the website, and in some upcoming posts, we will understand all these topics one by one and will know how to use them.

To fasten the loading speed of the website, we have to optimize our website and minify HTML, CSS and JAVA SCRIPT and also optimize the image to speed up the loading speed of our website.

How to Optimize Wordpress Website -
To speed up the Wordpress Website, if you also follow all the tips mentioned above, then you will also be able to speed up your website.

1. Use Light Weight Theme -
To make the website loading fast, the theme has an important role, so that is why you have to select a Light Weight Theme for your website, light weight theme is a small size and loading speed is fast.

Best Light Weight Theme For WordPress 
1. Generatepress
2. Genesis framework
3. Schema
4. Astra

5. Divi

2. Use CDN -
CDN's full name is Content delevery network, their servers are spread all over the world so that users get the requested content very fast. CDN is used to provide fast content.

Best Free CDN
Cloudflare is a very good free CDN provider company and I am using it for a long time.

3. Use Cache Plugins -
To increase the speed of Wordpress Website, our website must have at least one Cache Plugin, this is very important.

Best Cache Plugins For WordPress
1. WP Rocket
3. W3 Total Cache
3. WP Super Cache
4. WP Fastest Cache

4. Use Minify Plugin -
Our website must have at least one Minify plugin to speed up the Wordpress Website, the Minify plugin is used to Minify CSS, HTML and JAVA SCRIPT.

Best Minify Plugin For Wordpress 
1. wp rocket
2. Autoptimize
3. WP Speed of Light
4. Asset CleanUp

5. Use Image Optimization - To make a website load faster, our website must have at least one image optimization plugin so that it can optimize images.

Best Image Optimization Plugin 
1. Jetpack
2. Iimagify
3. Image optimization & Lazy Load by Optimole
4. EWWW Image Optimizer

5. ShortPixel Image Optimizer

6. Use Image Lazy Loading -
Image lazy loading is a technique that allows us to make the image lazy load, which means that all the content of our website is loaded first and then starts loading the image.

Best Image Lazy Loading Plugin For WordPress 
1. Jetpack
2. Lazy Load – Optimize Images by wp rocket
3. Lazy Loader
4. Image optimization & Lazy Load by Optimole

Friends, these are all the important tips that you can use to optimize your website and make your website speed up, I hope you will like this post and surely you will have got to learn something new. friends If you like this post, then share it with your friends.


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