
Showing posts from July, 2020

How to create a Multi Language Website

How to create a Multi Language Website Hello friends, today in this post I am telling about how to create a Multi Language Website, so definitely read the post till the end. If you have a website, and if you know different languages, then you would like that each post you write should be a multi-language post, if the post is in a different language then everybody will be able to understand it easily. If you have to write posts in different languages, then you have 2 ways, using which you can write posts in different languages in your blog. No. 1 The first way is that you have to create a separate website for different languages, after that you can write posts of different languages ​​in all different websites. If you choose this path, you will have to manage more than one website and you will work in more than one website. No. 2 The other way is to post in multi language in the website that you have, but if you do this then you will have a problem and that problem is that t

How to increase website speed with Lazy Loading

How to Increase Website Speed With Lazy Loading Hello friends, today in this post I am telling you how to increase the speed of website with lazy loading image. Hello friends, today in this post I am telling you how to increase  website speed with lazy loading images. It is very important for the website to be fast, the higher the speed of our website, the more visitors come to our website and the search ranking is also improved. We can use image lazy loading at any time to increase website speed and improve the speed of our website with image lazy loading.With image lazy loading, our website loads faster than before and this also reduces the full loading time of the website. What is Image Lazy Loading - Image lazy loading is a technique by using which we can get the image in our website loaded lazy, in simple words, using image lazy loading, load the image of our website after all the content. The image of our website with lazy loading starts loading after the website is

How to Write SEO Friendly Post

How to Write SEO Friendly Post Hello friends, today in this post I am telling about how to write SEO Friendly Post, so read the post till the end, after that you will also be able to write SEO Friendly Post in your blog. To bring your post to the top of the search result, we have to publish SEO Friendly Post in our blog, only then our Post Search will appear at the top in the result and more visitors will come to our blog. All bloggers want our blog post to appear only at the top of the first page or search result, so that more visitors come to our blog and if you want to bring your post to the top of the search result, so publish SEO friendly Post on your blog. So let's first know about SEO Friendly Post. What is SEO Friendly Post - SEO's full name is Search Engine Optimization, and Search Engine Optimization is also called SEO. SEO Friendly Posts are posts that are made completely SEO Friendly, in simple words, SEO Friendly posts is that are well optimized for Search