How to create a Multi Language Website

How to create a Multi Language Website
Hello friends, today in this post I am telling about how to create a Multi Language Website, so definitely read the post till the end.

If you have a website, and if you know different languages, then you would like that each post you write should be a multi-language post, if the post is in a different language then everybody will be able to understand it easily.

If you have to write posts in different languages, then you have 2 ways, using which you can write posts in different languages in your blog.

No. 1
The first way is that you have to create a separate website for different languages, after that you can write posts of different languages ​​in all different websites. If you choose this path, you will have to manage more than one website and you will work in more than one website.

No. 2
The other way is to post in multi language in the website that you have, but if you do this then you will have a problem and that problem is that the posts of different languages ​​will be mixed in the homepage of your website.

If posts from different languages ​​will appear simultaneously in the homepage of your website, it will not make your website's homepage look good, And by using Polylang plugin you can fix all this type of problems.

What is Polylang Plugin -
Polylang is a WordPress Plugin, with the help of Polylang plugin we can put multi language posts in the same website and our multi language posts are not mixed in the homepage.

When we make our website a Multi Language Website using Polylang Plugin, then our website has different interface for different languages. Meaning if user comes in English version then user will see English interface of website and if user comes in Hindi version then user will see Hindi interface of website.

After using the Polylang Plugin to make the website a multi-language website, we can also put language swithcher in our website so that any user will be able to translate or switch our website from one language to another. So friends, let's go and know how to create a Multi Language Website using the Polylang Plugin.

How to create a Multi-Language Website with Polylang Plugin -
To make your single language website a multi-language website, follow all the steps mentioned properly, after that you will also be able to make your website a multi-language website.

1. First of all, open your WordPress Website Dashboard (Admin Panel).

2. Now we have to install the Plugin in our website, then you first take your Mouse Cursor over the plugins and click on Add New.

3. After the Add Plugins page is open, now you click on the search box and type Polylang and then wait for the search result is show.

4. Now you will see the Polylang plugin at the top here and in front of this you will see the Install Now button, then click on Install Now.

5. After the plugins are installed, now you click on Activate and activate the plugins in your website.

6. After the plugin is installed, a Plugin Polylang will be added to your Plugin list and the menu on the left side of the language will be there.

7. Now move Mouse Cursor over the language so that you will see some options, then click on Setup here.

8. Now Polylang Setup will open in your screen, click here on the Down Arrow under Select a language to be added so that the language list will open in your screen.

9. After the language list is open, now you have to select your default language here, meaning if you write a post in whatever language in your website now, if you write a Hindi post, then you have to select the Hindi language if you write an English post If you have to select English.

10. After selecting Language, click on + Add new language and then click on Continue.

11. Now you have to keep this option Enable Polylang translate media here and then click on Continue.

12. Now here you have to place your default language select under Choose the language to be assigned and then click on Continue.

13. After doing so, now the Polylang Setup has been completed in our website, then you click on Return to the Dashboard at the bottom.

Now the Polylang Setup success in our website has been completed and we have selected the default language of our website, after selecting the default language in the website, now we have to add another language to our website.

After selecting the default language, it is very important to add another language, only then we will be able to post in our website in Multi Language or make our website a Multi Language Website, so let's know how to add Second Language to your website.

How to Add Second Language in Website -
By adding Second Language to the website, we can make our website a multi-language website, so let's know how to add Second Language to the website.

1. To add Second Language to the website, first you click on Language.

2. Now here you will see your default set language in right side and from left side you will be able to add new language.

3. Now you click on the Down Arrow below Choose a language so that the language list will open in your screen.

4. After the language list is open, now you have to select your second language from here, so now my website is in English, then I am selecting Hindi on my Second Language here.

5. Now leave all the options and click Add new language at the bottom.

6. Now a second language has been added to your website, which you can see in the right side, here you will see all the language of your website.

Now we have added Multi Language to our website and our website has now become Multi Language Website, but our work is not completed yet, now we have added the second language to our website, Now we have to write the post in another language. then let us know how to write a translated post.

How to Write a Translated Post in Multi Language -
If we want to make our post a multi-language translated post, then we will also have to write a translated post of the post made in our default language, only then a Multi Language post will appear in our website and users will be able to switch our post from one language to another language.

1. First of all, open your website's dashboard.

2. Now move your Mouse cursor to the posts and click on All Posts.

3. Now you will see all the posts you have made here.

4. you have already written post and if you want to write a translated post, then you will see the icon of Plus under the Second Language Flag in front of the title of that post, then you have to click on the Plus icon.

5. After clicking on Plus, the Add New Post will open and you can write the translated post in your Second Language from here.

6. Now from here you can write the same post as you write all normal posts and you can publish after writing the post.

7. After writing and publishing the post, now the translated post in multi language has become successful in your website.

8. After Publishing Post, now you click on View post and open your post.

9. After clicking on view post, your post will open and you will see here that you do not see any language switcher, with the help of which you can switch the post from one language to another language.

To switch your multi-language post from one language to another language, we have to add a language switcher to our website, with the help of which any user will be able to switch any post or website from one language to another language.

How to Add Language Switcher in Website -
If the website is Multi Language, then it is very important to add the Language Switcher to the website, with the help of the Language Switcher, the user will be able to switch the website or posts from one language to another language, to add the Language Switcher Follow all the steps properly.

To add the Language Switcher to the website, we will use the Menu, we will add the Language Switcher to the menu of our website so that any user will be able to switch our website to Multi Language.

1. First of all, open your website's dashboard.

2. Now move your Mouse cursor over Appearance and click on Menus.

3. Now Menus will open in your website and you will see a pre-made menu here which will be for your default language, first we will add Language Switcher in the menu for the default language.

4. First you click on Screen Options at the top.

5. Now you put a tick in front of the language switcher here, if it is already installed then it is a good thing and then click on Screen Options.

6. Now here you have to tick the box under the language switcher in the box in front of the language and then click on Add to menu.

7. Now the language switcher will be added to your menu, then you click on the down arrow next to the language switcher here.

8. Now here you have to put Tick next to Displays language names and after that Tick even before Displays flags and after that Hides the current language is also to tick next to it.

9. Now you have to click on Save Menu so that your menu will be saved.

Now we have added the language switcher to the menu for the default language of our website, but our work is not done yet, now we have to create a new menu for our Second Language, and add the language switcher. Only then both of our versions will show a good menu and the Language Switcher will also work properly.

How to create a menu for Second Language -
Before creating a menu in Second Language, you have to write at least one post in Second Language in your website and create a category while writing the post, only then we have to create a menu in Second Language.

I have also written a post in Second Language in my website, so now we can start creating Menu.

1. First of all, you have to open your website dashboard.

2. Now you will see Show all languages above, then take your mouse cursor over it.

3. Now you will see all the languages ​​of your website, then you have to click on your Second Language means that you have to click on the new language you have added.

4. Now move your Mouse cursor over Appearance and click on Menus.

5. Now you Click on create a new menu. so that you will be able to create New Menu.

6. Now here you type the name of the menu in the box next to Menu Name and then click on Create Menu.

7. After creating the menu, now we have to add items to the menu, then we will first click on Categories.

8. Now whatever categories you have created for Second Language will appear here.

9. Now select the category you want to add to the menu and then click on Add to Menu.

10. Now your category will be added to Menu.

11. Now you have to click on Language Switcher.

12. Now here you have to put a tick in the box next to the language under the language switcher and then click on Add to menu.

13. Now the language switcher will be added to your menu, then you click on the down arrow next to the language switcher here.

14. Now select the three options here.
Displays language names
Displays flags
Hides the current language

15. Now you have to click on Save Menu so that your Menu will be saved.

Now we have also created menus for the second language of our website and have also added items to the menu but still our work is not complete, now we have to add menus to our website, so let's know how to add Menu.

How to Add Menu in Website -
After adding the language switcher to the menu, we now have to add the menu to our website, only then the language switcher work correctly, otherwise the Language Switcher will not be visible in the menu.

1. Now move your Mouse cursor over Appearance and click on Customize.

2. Now Website Customizer will open in your computer screen, then you click on Menus here.

3. Now you will see all the Menus you have created here.

4. Now here you have the menu of your default language, that means click on the old menu.

5. After clicking on the Menu Name, now you go to the Menu Locations and place a tick on the menu where you want to add it.

6. You have to keep in mind one thing here, if you are putting English Menu, then you have to set Menu only for English Version.

7. After applying Tick on Menu Locations, click on Publish.

8. And then back from here.

9. After applying the menu in the default language, you will see the Language Switcher in the menu. Now you click on the name of the Second Language which is visible in the Language Switcher.

10. As soon as you click on Second Language in the menu, the Second Language Version of your website will open so that you will be able to customize it from here.

11. Now click on the new menu you had created, which is your menu for Second Language.

12. After clicking on Menu Name, now you go to Menu Locations and place Tick wherever you want to add Menu.

13. You have to take care of one thing here, if you are putting Hindi Menu, then you have to set Menu only for Hindi Version.

14. After applying Tick on Menu Locations, click on Publish.

15. Now we have added menus for the interface of both languages of our website.

16. Now is the time to test, first of all you open the real URL of your website like this -

17. Now your website will open and you will also see the Language Switcher in the menu, then click on the Language Switcher.

18. Now the Second Language interface of your website will open.

19. Once the Second Language Interface of the website is open, you will also see the Language Switcher here.

20. Now we have successfully made our website a Multi Language Website.

Friends, now our website has become a multi-language website, and now whenever a user comes to our website or in any post of our website, the user will see the option to change the language.

I hope you like this post and you must have got to learn something new, friends, if you like this post, then share it with your friends.


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